Invoice Factoring

Access: $10,000-$5,000,000

Invoice Factoring

Fueling Your Business’s Growth and Stability

Invoice factoring provides a practical solution for businesses looking to enhance cash flow and support growth. By converting outstanding invoices into immediate capital, it helps you manage expenses, invest in opportunities, and maintain financial stability without relying on traditional credit metrics.


Cash Flow

Invoice factoring provides immediate cash flow by advancing funds against your outstanding invoices. This enables you to cover essential expenses like payroll, taxes, and other financial commitments without waiting for customer payments.


Business Expansion

Leverage invoice factoring to boost your business’s growth. Access additional working capital to invest in marketing, hire new staff, acquire equipment, stock up on inventory, or expand your operations.


Predictable Financing

Unlike traditional term loans with fixed repayment schedules, invoice factoring offers a predictable cash flow. This stability helps with budgeting and financial planning by providing immediate funds based on your invoices.


Credit Independence

Invoice factoring is not influenced by your credit history. Instead, it relies on the creditworthiness of your customers, making it a viable option even if your credit is less than stellar or your financial history is limited.


Cost Efficiency

Invoice factoring often comes with lower costs compared to alternative financing options like credit cards or merchant cash advances. Additionally, it can reduce the expenses associated with invoice processing, collections, and administrative tasks.


Adaptable Financing

Enjoy the flexibility of choosing which invoices to factor, how much to factor, and when to factor them. As your sales volume grows, the potential funding increases, allowing invoice factoring to adjust to your evolving business needs.

Minimum Requirements

3+ Months in Business

$5,000+ Monthly Gross Sales

No Minimum FICO Score